4 Last Minute Ideas That Will Make Christmas Services Special

Christmas services is one of the most important services a Church puts on each year. It is debatable whether Christmas or Easter services have the biggest chance for impact, but one thing is clear, of all the services you want to go above and beyond at, it is Christmas and Easter services. They are the 1a and 1b in the importance level.

With Christmas rapidly approaching, time is of the essence. No longer are there months to prepare for your services. They are right around the corner which means putting finishing touches should be a priority. However, if you are looking to add some last minute ideas to make your Christmas services special, there are plenty of ideas you can still do. In fact, here are four examples.

Christmas is one of the biggest services of the year for your Church. Make it special and unique with any of these last minute ideas. Click To Tweet

Christmas family pictureSet up a photo booth. Photo booths are fun for Christmas as families love to take pictures of themselves dressed up nicely during the holidays. And, they are easy to do during Christmas. Grab a tree, decorate it nicely and put a coach beside it and you have a photo booth. In addition, you can add items like wrapped boxes to act as presents, lights, garland, wreaths, a “Joy” sign as props. Families can come, take nice pictures and post them on social media or send them to family and friends.

Have special music and/or artist perform. Your Church is filled with talented people, young and old. Even if your Church doesn’t have talented people, which seems hard to imagine, there are people in your community that are talented. Have a person use their musical gifts to perform a solo of a Christmas song (instrumental or singing). Or, if you had an artist, have that person draw a painting on stage while a worship song(s) is going on.

Do a giveaway. People love FREE stuff! And what better time to give away something than Christmas when God gave us his son, Jesus? There are a variety of things you can giveaway. You can give away a good basket like cookies or a season meat and cheese basket. You can also give away a gift card to a local or online store. It does not have to be extravagant, just something thoughtful and nice for someone to walk away with. You can have the gift at the exit and it could be a great way for you to connect with someone, especially if they are new. They could feel like they met someone and may be encouraged to come back in future weeks.

Serve Christmas desserts and treats. Christmas desserts and treats are delicious and most of them only come around once a year. Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, Rice Krispy treats, cupcakes, hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies all make for some festive treats. Just don’t serve fruit cake, please. Have the Christmas treats and desserts available before and after the service. Not only is it a great way to make the Christmas services special for people coming to Church but it is also a great way for people at your Church to serve and it provides opportunities for people to meet, greet and get to know each other. It could be a connection at the dessert table that encourages a new person to come back the following week.


A Church’s Christmas service can be a powerful time. Considering the importance of these services for believers and non-believers alike, the hope is that by early December the plan is in place and being implemented. However, situations vary and not all churches are able to do that. That doesn’t mean you can’t still make your Christmas services special, or add a last minute idea that helps. Here are four last minute ideas your Church can implement just days before. They are simple yet effective. Pick one or more and see how God uses for a powerful and life changing Christmas service.

What do you think? What are some other last minute ideas you can do for your Christmas services? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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