Podcasting Tip: Call Recorder for FaceTime and Skype

YM Sidekick Podcast…I’d love for you to listen if you haven’t yet. Well, as I’ve been recording all sorts of interviews, I ran into one little problem.  Recording people face-to-face was easy.  But how could I record someone far away from me, like say in Atlanta or California?  I mean, I am still new at this and I don’t have a lot of disposable income to buy some really expensive equipment. I am a minister after all. [caption id="attachment_6617" align="alignleft" width="278"]Unknown-1 Simple and easy, the “Call Recorder” box comes up every time you open up FaceTime[/caption] So, I searched and searched all over for options.  I first found out that I could record using Google Voice. But, honestly, the quality was not very good.  In fact it sounded downright terrible when I put it on my podcast. Then I came upon Call Recorder for FaceTime.  This does exactly what the title suggests…it records your FaceTime calls.  But, they also have a Call Recorder for Skype, too.  That way you don’t need an iPhone or Mac to use it.  You can call android phones or computers Here is what I like about it:

  1. It has very good sound quality (FaceTime audio not as good as FaceTime video)
  2. It’s easy to use and saves to a file folder you designate
  3. You can use the Video for a video podcast or you can just take the audio
For a podcasting novice like myself, the process to record and then edit it was very simple (I use Garageband to edit my podcasts, by the way)…I mean seriously, if I can figure it out so can you. You can download a free 7 day trial to test it out, but it is definitely worth a shot and it is by far the best quality audio I have gotten when trying to record long-distant interviews for podcasts. What about you?  What have you used and how is that working?  Share below or on social media with a shout out to @ymsidekick so we can chat about it.  ]]>

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