3 basic "needs" to making videos for ministry

  • A Camera. Almost any would do but I do have a preference, especially if you are trying to do videos without spending too much money. The great news is that you can use a smartphone – you don’t need a full-fledge camera to pull this off.
  • A tripod.  Simple enough and adds stability so you don’t look like you are doing selfie videos all the time. You can simply go onto Amazon and search tripod for your particular camera or smartphone and you will see a ton of great options – cheap and more expensive ones to choose from.
  • A Video Editor.  This is key, but you need something that is simple and easy to use. If you are a Mac fan, it can be free iMovie that comes on your smart devices or MacBook will do. If you are non-mac fan there are other options out there as well. For instance there are these free options for Windows users. Or there is this option for Google users.
  • These are the basics I feel that you need to get started, but I know there are more as well. So take a minute and share some of your thoughts below. What are some other “basics” you need for doing videos?  Share it below or hit him up on Twitter (@tapounder).   [mc4wp_form id="8855"] ]]>

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