MinWrap 4.17

Unknown-7Stat of the week: Total number of minutes spent on Facebook each month: 640,000,000 (thanks Statistic Brain) Quote to ponder: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis Ministry Blogs to look at…

Video of the Week: [youtube]https://youtu.be/ngElkyQ6Rhs[/youtube] I’m not gonna pretend to not think this is cool, because it is very cool and it takes me back to my youth. Even though it doesn’t come out til December, you can do a lot with this for your ministry by doing some Star Wars Movie Marathons this summer and catch kids up to speed on this so when it does come out, you’ll (I mean they) will be ready.  If you don’t like Star Wars, pick another movie marathon to do.  It’ll be fun no matter what you choose to do. Are there other stats, quotes or blogs that you found interesting this week? If so, share them below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can learn and benefit from each other. ]]>

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