Just you and I

As I listened to it, I wanted this song to be about a girl…I wanted part of it to be about my mom who passed away this past fall but her birthday was yesterday.  I wanted this to be about so much.  But as I listened over and over again, something else stuck out.

“Where ever you are When ever you need me Just crawl in my arms Oh and I’ll hold you beside me

I want my love to surround you I want my love to surround you And I’ll just sing it out I want my love to surround you

I search valleys and mountaintops Rolling hills and ticking clocks Were all I heard all that sound Never thought love could be found”

My world is pretty crazy…really it is…even though I’m a Pastor it can get pretty sitcom-ish…seriously, ask any of my closest friends…it can get crazy.  Sometimes I sit back and reflect and just laugh thinking, “did that just happen…yep, it did”.  Other times I want to just crawl into bed and never get out.

I don’t know how you make sense of this world…but how I make sense out of it is I envision God singing this to me.  I mean really…I do.  I don’t say this as a Pastor.  I say this as a guy who is really trying to make sense of life and this world and the only thing I can come to is that there is a God in heaven who loved me so much that he would do anything show me His love.

We search all over the place looking for a love that we don’t know can be found. Yet all along, we have God here.  We dismiss him…we don’t think he can really help. But He can…He does…He will.  I’m living proof of this.  I couldn’t make it without Him.

Life is messy (if I wasn’t a Pastor I would probably say something different :)).  Maybe, you want to chat about it sometime…if you do, I’d love to chat about life…we can exchange war stories (I promise to tell you a funny story first though).  Just you and I.

I’m pretty sure Echosmith wasn’t thinking of getting this type of reaction when they wrote this song…but I’m glad they did.  They write really good songs.

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