4 Ways to Grow Your Attendance at Ministry Events

Ministry events are some of the best activities Churches can put on each year.  Not only are they fun, but they connect families together with meaningful friendship and can encourage them as they look at who God is and how their life can be changed dramatically. The unfortunate thing is that no matter how great they are, some teens don’t know what they are missing. In fact, they don’t even know that there is an event going on.

It can definitely frustrating for ministry leaders, who put a lot of time and effort into the planning of the event, to have low or below normal turnout for the event. So, how do you get people to show up to these life-changing events? What can you do? Here are four ways you can get the word out and grow your attendance at your events.

gift bags1. Give Incentives.

People love incentives. They love getting a deal. That is why it is a good idea to offer incentives or discounts if they sign up, especially if they sign up early. So, what could you offer that will make this a can’t miss event for people to sign up and sign up early? Will they get a discount to the trip or event your are doing if they sign up early? Will they get a gift bag with some swag from your ministry or something fun? Figure out what different kinds of incentives you can give people when they sign up.

2. Create Wow.

The fear of missing out is a real thing, not just for teenagers but for everyone. Everyone wants to be at something that is awesome. That is why, in the weeks leading up to the event, you can highlight some of amazing elements that happen and are included in this ministry event you are having. Highlight the incentives and one new thing that will happen at the event each week leading up to the event. As you do more of these ministry events where “WOW” consistently happens, word will spread and people WILL NOT want to miss the event.

3. Embrace Digital and Get the Word out.

Digital and online tools are great for getting the word out. Depending on the event, use social media, in particular TikTok, Reels and Facebook Ads, to get the word out about what you will be doing. The more creative you can be, the better. Make sure you capture their attention as well as highlight registration deadlines, information about the event and even a registration form on each of these social media posts. If you could direct people to a landing page for the event, that would be ideal. There they can get all the info and you can hopefully capture some information from them, as well.

4. Find the Right Check-in/Registration App for follow up.

The great news is that there are a lot of sign-up apps out there. Whichever one you choose to use for your registration or sign up, it is important that it connects and integrates with your Church Management System (CMS). The reason why it is important is because you can collect their information and follow up with them after the event. Even if it is a name and an email or cell phone number, you can use that information to follow up with a “what’s next” opportunity or for a way for them to connect to other people. Follow up for an event is one of the most important things you can do for an event. That will help connect people but it will also help them know about what is coming up in the future.

Ministry events are vital to your ministry. Give incentives, create wow, embrace digital as you find the right registration app for follow up. Click To Tweet


These are four simple ways you can do that helps get the word out and grow your attendance at your upcoming ministry event. Create some excitement by giving away incentives. Be known for creating wow at your events. Embrace digital to get the word out and find the right check-in/registration app for your event.

What will you start incorporating today? Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan that you can start implementing today so that your next event will be the most attended of all the previous ones. Also, share other ways you can grow your attendance at ministry events? Share them below or on social media. 

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