Ep. 28: Utilizing People's Gifts for Ministry

Episode 28 Show Notes: Podcast Icon Today Tom talks to Brennan Loveless about the creative process he went through to make his album and how he used the gifts and talents of others close to him and in his church during the process. In this episode you’ll discover how Brennan used people within the Church with gifts and talents to help with his album. It also helps show us that there are people within our own Church that want to help and support each other using their own gifts and talents for a greater community use. Here are some of the resources mentioned in the podcast:

Brennan Loveless – where to find his music

CDbaby – Uploading and selling your own music

Crowdfunding – raising support for the album

Squarespace – Get your own website

Brandilynn Photography – Photography work

Brand Army – Brand and graphic arts guru

Fiverr – best place to get work for your digital strategy

To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him here. Listen and make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! Join the conversation! How are you utilizing people’s gifts and talents for ministry in your church? Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.  ]]>

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