Making the most out of extended weekends

What can you do when you have an extended weekend?

  1. Chill Out! Turn your computer off, don’t answer your phone and just relax.  Enjoy time with your friends and your family. Trust me, work can be put off one day…especially when the office is closed!
  2. Follow up on things at home. There are times when ministry takes priority over what happens at home.  So, when you have those extended time off, you need to catch up at home.  Not catch up on work, but catch up on housework.
  3. Do stuff you love! Whatever it is that you love to do but never have enough “time” to do it…do it and enjoy it! Don’t feel bad about it…just do it! Again, work is with you constantly and you can always be doing something. But on these extended weekends do something that you love to do. You won’t regret it.
What do you do on extended weekends? Share what you do below or on social media at #ymsidekick. [mc4wp_form id="8855"] ]]>

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