Ep. 36: Utilizing Online Tools for Offline Community

Podcast IconEpisode 36 Show Notes: The show starts off with Tom comparing Star Wars to ministry.  What?!?  Yep, he does and reminds us all that no matter how rough a “season” we are having in ministry, we can always turn it around.  For instance:

  1. Can you really turn it around (http://ht.ly/TFee2)
  2. The Power to Change (http://ht.ly/TFenp)
  3. “Leading Change without Losing It” Book Review (http://ht.ly/TFe8J) 
  4. Making Strategic Changes (http://ht.ly/TFerF)
After the comparison, Tom talks to Matt McKee, tech guru and a member of the reThink crew about how you can be utilizing online tools for the development of offline community.  He also share about a new tool that is coming out on Nov. 4th called “Circle” that will help keep families and children safe.  Listen and discover how it can help families at your Church. To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him here. Make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week! What online tools are you utilizing to create offline communities? Join the conversation by sharing below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick.   ]]>

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