A Great Training Resource for Millennial Student Pastors

Stuff You can Use and YM Answers Podcast peeps) is just the right resource needed for today’s Youth Minister. Watch this video to discover the 5 core reasons why on this resource is so valuable. [youtube width=”650″ height=”400″]https://youtu.be/Ij-m3RFGJUk[/youtube]

  1. The format. Videos are where it’s at these days.  Yes, blogs and podcasts are important but video tutorials and how tos are the most effective way for millennials learn these days.  And this is the format YM Labs uses to communicate.
  2. It’s great for team training. We all know that coming up with training by ourselves, isn’t always easy and honestly some of us aren’t gifted in that way.  This is why this resource is perfect for your team training and for individual volunteers. So you can use this as training for your entire team to learn something together at the same time.
  3. The ability to put into practice what you learn.  Each video is 12-20 minutes long.  But it doesn’t end there.  After each video you are given an experiment to see how it works in your own context.
  4. The follow up. They don’t just give you the training and the ability apply your learnings.  But they have created a Facebook community for you to process and talk through the lessons you’ve learned or the questions you still have.
  5. The teachers. Kenny and Elle have a ton of experience in student ministry.  But it does’t end there because they also have Ben Crenshaw.  He has a ton of experience as well so the 3 of them combine for a lot of experience in doing successful, effective student ministry.
Not only are these great reasons why the you should check out the videos but they are also cheap ($29/each – you can preorder a new set at $19/each).  It is a great deal for you and your team.  So go to ymsidekick.com/labs to get yours ASAP. After you look at the topics that YM Labs cover, I’d also like for you to share other training topics you want to hear about – not just for YM Labs but for me as well.  Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick. Lastly, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form] ]]>

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