4 Church Comm/Tech Podcasts you should listen to this week

  • SocialMediaExaminer.com. This week’s podcast discussed the future of social media marketing.  It’s a great one because it will help Churches begin to think about next steps they need to start taking today so they don’t lag behind technology.
  • ProChurchTools.com. Brady talks to Jimmie Davidson about staring a church in an unconventional way – using technology in a huge way.
  • YMSidekick.com. Tom talks to Peter Von Kahle about how you can be upgrading from your iPhone or smartphone to a “real” camera. They discuss 3 cameras specifically.
  • Chuchm.ag. As the world is becoming more and more online and digital it is important to know and understand how different cultures work.  Why? Because your audience will not be ALL Americans or ALL Germans or ALL British.  They will come from different backgrounds and languages so it’s important to know how to communicate to all of them effectively.
  • All of these are unique and different that can help your ministry. What podcasts did you listen to that inspired your ministry? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick to share. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]  ]]>

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