Ep. 52: Preparing for Camp

Podcast IconToday’s 52nd episode – where Tom talks to Cory Sullivan (theconqueringofchaos.com) about camp trips – marks the 1 year point for the YM Sidekick Podcast.  Thank you all for joining us for a whole year and making this podcast what it is today. In this episode, Tom and Cory talk about how you can be effectively preparing for your camp trip (with the noted exception of mission trips – that is a whole different podcast). In the today’s podcast they cover:

  1. Selection of trip (who is it for)
  2. Publicizing the trip (getting the right information out to teens AND parents)
  3. Fundraising (huge)
  4. Prayer
  5. Making sure you stay up to date on all changes as the trip gets closer.
In addition to his blog, if you want to connect with Cory you can find him on Twitter (twitter.com/big_sully55). Share your thoughts!  What are some ways that you prepare for camp trips?  Do you have a set list of dos and don’ts? Share your stories and experiences below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick. Join the conversation.  To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him here. Make sure you goto iTunes and subscribe (http://ht.ly/QdLHJ) to the podcast and see what cool things we do each and every week!  And make sure you rate the show, especially if you like it. 🙂 Also, sign up for the Sidekick Scoop (http://ht.ly/TVyKF) to get content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics).]]>

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