Be a Missionary, Even When Others Aren’t

cheerleaderDid you hear about the Nebraska High School Senior Cheerleader who performed at the State Championships solo after the rest of her team quit? It’s a great story of resilience and determination. You can read more about it here. You can watch her solo performance here.

While this story is heartbreaking because her teammates all quit the team, it is also inspiring. In order to prepare for her solo competition, she took extra time out with her coach to redo the performance, practicing it for hours on end to make sure it was just right.

What can ministers learn from this?

You can be a missionary, even when others are not. In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus famously says, Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Jesus didn’t say go and make disciples only when you are surrounded by a team of people. He didn’t say go only when you’ve been properly trained. He didn’t say you can’t share about Jesus if you don’t have 2-5 other people around you to share with you. No, he told them all to go and make disciples. 

And, you don’t need a team to serve your community and love your neighbors. Whether you are a digital missionary or an in-person missionary, Jesus has given you the call to reach that community. And he gives you the ability to do it within his command go to and make disciples.

How to be a Missionary

Jesus said that we need to teach them to observe everything He has commanded us. So, in order to do that we have to first, be spending time reading the Bible and in prayer. Read the Bible to gain knowledge and understanding of who God is and who Jesus is. Memorize scripture so that you can share them when needed. Also, spend time praying. Pray for yourself and that God continues to guide and direct you. Then, pray for opportunities to share about Him to others and the words to say when those opportunities arise. But also, pray for your neighbors, co-workers, family and friends who may not know Jesus. Pray that they may come to know Him.

Secondly, we need to love others. Remember, the second greatest commandment is to love others as yourself. And the love is not just for people we like. That is for our enemies as well. Locally, you may not have a lot of enemies, but online, as you seek to share the love and hope of Christ, there are enemies out there. They are called trolls. They will seek to derail your efforts as much as possible. But, don’t let them. Love them as Christ loves us.

Loving other locally could simply start off by being kind to your neighbors, co-workers and friends. You could do random acts of kindness and encourage them when you see them. Seek to strike up conversations with them, while also not forcing conversations. That can get really awkward really quick. Show them that Christ is real by how you treat people. For online, share the hope and love of Christ with encouraging posts, scripture references that offer hope and prayers for those you meet. Resist the trolls who seek to destroy you and ruin your witness. Be a positive light and encouragement when you are online.

Lastly, teach them who Jesus really is. There are lots of misconceptions about who Jesus really is and honestly, there are lots of bad examples of Christians out there. As people begin to notice the difference in you and ask questions, share with them who you are in Christ and how Christ has made a difference in your life. Teach them what Jesus stood for. This could take place one-on-one or in a group setting. This could even happen online in an online group or chat. The point is once you have won the right to share about Jesus because you prepared yourself and showed the love of Christ to others, you have the opportunity to teach them about who Jesus is.

You don't need a team of people to be a digital or local missionary. See how you can prepare yourself to serve your local and online communities today. Click To Tweet


Christ calls us all, as individuals, to be missionaries. And, in today’s world we have a great opportunity to reach people for Christ locally and digitally. Prepare yourself to love and serve others so that more and more people can come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior today.

What do you think? What are other ways and what are other tools you can use be a missionary, even if others aren’t? What will you start incorporating today? Share them below or on social media.

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