Is there more for you out there? Discover for yourself

More“. More is about discovering your personal calling.  Whether you are 18, 28, 60 or 41 like me, we all have a personal calling.  The question is are we living it? So, what will the book club look like? Check out this video for the details: [youtube width=”600″ height=”425”][/youtube] [caption id="attachment_8542" align="alignright" width="145"]personal calling More is a new book from Todd Wilson about personal calling.[/caption] Basically the club will look like this:

  • We’ll read some chapters during the week (trust me they are short chapters)
  • We’ll hear messages about them on Sunday morning (or On Demand or through a Church rebroadcast). Who will be speaking? Check out this lineup
  • Then, we’ll debrief the chapters together the following week.
It’ll be a great learning experience and hopefully we can discover our own personal calling in life. So sign up and invite some friends to join along with you.  We will start April 4th via a Google Groups group. Let me know if you have any questions via Twitter. Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form]]]>

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