What can you invite them back to?

Attendance usually falls after Easter back to normal numbers unless you try something different.[/caption] However, after Easter, attendance usually drops to where it normally is. All ministers hope that attendance increases after Easter, but alas, the reality is it basically stays the same. UNLESS, you purposely plan for it to be different and have something for you to invite them back to. For instance, what if, instead of banking on Easter (or Christmas Eve for that matter) to draw more people in, you use those Sundays as a launching platform for something else. have something for them to come back to! What am I talking about? Ok, let me give you a real life example…something my church just did. This year, for the week after Easter we brought in guest speaker, former Mob Boss Michael Franzese. But, before he arrived, we promoted it very heavily with online ads, postcards and social media ads all tied to our Easter promotion. And guess what?? We had a HUGE turnout the next week. In fact, it beat our Easter attendance!!! Yeah, insanity. We obviously struck a nerve with people and created a huge interest. So the question is, what can you invite people back to, especially those first time guests, that will help them WANT to come back the following week? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick on what you can do to bring people back the following week? What have you tried and how did it work. Share it and join the conversation.  Also, make sure you sign up for the Sidekick Scoop below to stay current on all other great Student and Family Ministry as well as Church Communication and Social Media content and trends. [mc4wp_form] ]]>

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