The Power of Ted Lasso and its Ministry Implications

The 3rd and possibly last season of Ted Lasso premiered this week on Apple TV+. It is a 2-time Emmy Award Winning Show and is the first true hit for Apple TV+ streaming platform. 

If you have never heard of Ted Lasso before here is the premise of the show. According to Wikipedia, the “show follows Ted Lasso, an American college football coach who is hired to coach an English soccer team with the secret intention that his inexperience will lead it to failure, but whose folksy, optimistic leadership proves unexpectedly successful.” It is truly a feel good story that is both critically acclaimed and commercially successful.

Why do people love Ted Lasso so much?

There are a few different reasons why people love Ted Lasso so much. One is because people like rooting for the underdog and Ted and his team are definitely an underdogs from a soccer perspective. Another, more important reason people enjoy watching the show is that they can identify with the characters on the show. The show’s character are easily relatable. Ted LassoPeople can see themselves in these characters. For instance…

  • Ted is a lovable guy who has a marriage on the rocks, loves his family and honestly trying to help his players be better people. He is genuine, sincere and has a positive outlook on life.
  • Rebecca is the owner of the team who had her husband cheat on her and she is now trying to enact revenge. However, her heart softens throughout the show. Ted is having an influence in her life and she embraces his positivity while also trying to move on with her life.
  • Jamie is a start soccer player trying to prove to his dad he is a good player.
  • Keeley is a friend on the show who is trying to start her own business in a male dominated world
  • Roy Kent is Roy Kent.

The list could go on and on throughout every person on the show. They are easy to root for and identify with. You can see yourself in any of these characters and that is why Ted Lasso is must watch TV and an award winning show.

The characters of Ted Lasso are easily identifiable as authentic and genuine. Ministers can learn from the characters. See how. Click To Tweet

How does Ted Lasso apply to ministry?

Ministers can learn a very simple lesson from this show. It all centers around genuineness and authenticity. Are you, as a minister or ministry leader, relatable? Are you sincere? Are you humble? Are you self-aware? Can people you are ministering to see themselves in you? Can they see how they can grow in their faith daily because of how you are growing in your faith? Or are you non-relatable? Arrogant?  

The reality is no one is perfect, not even ministers. You don’t have to project an image of perfection of your life and faith. That is not real life. But you can be vulnerable and show others in your community that you are just like them. Show them that you are being challenged in your faith and growing in it.

In Matthew 15:8, Jesus says, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” People want to see ministers and Church leaders honor God with their hearts, not just their actions. People crave authenticity and realness more than anything in this day and age. The more genuine, authentic and vulnerable you are, the more likely you will help people grow in their faith rather than thinking they can’t because they aren’t as spiritual as you are.


Ted Lasso is an award winning show. There are many reasons why both critics and the audience loves the show so much. At the heart of it is easily relatable characters in the show. These characters are imperfect people trying to do their best. As Ministers and ministry leaders seek to lead people to Christ, projecting an image of perfection in their faith is not going to reach people for Christ. Be real. Be genuine. Be humble. Be authentic. The more others can relate to us, they will be able to relate to the need for Christ.

What do you think? What other ministry implication are there for ministers from Ted Lasso? What will you start incorporating today? Share them below or on social media.

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