Orange Conference week! But what makes this year even better is that happening at the exact same time as the Orange Conference will be the ReThink Leadership gathering happening .5 miles away.
What to Expect this year? The theme this year is “Every Week Monday is Coming”. This really points to not putting all our eggs in the Sunday only basket. Our ministries should be more than just on Sunday…they need to happen throughout the week. So the conference is talking specifically about this. And with ReThink Leadership happening at the same time, Senior Pastors are getting some specific messages geared just for them. It will be one of the greatest opportunities for Senior Pastors and Family Ministers to get on the same page.
Even if you aren’t going to be able to make it in person, the great news is that you can connect with official Orange Bloggers and the Live Stream of the General Sessions.
Also, to stay connect with Orange and stay up to date with all that is happening this week, make sure you are following them on Twitter and Facebook.
What am I bringing to the Conference? Oh lordy, what am I NOT bringing? Well, I’m bringing my laptop, tripod, iPhone, iPod Touch (I need it as a possible 2nd Periscope camera), Apple Watch (I’m gonna get a lot of steps and exercise this week), different tripod holders for iPhone and iPad, 2 microphones to do some periscope interviews with, plenty of chargers and possibly a bluetooth keyboard (still not certain about that).
Connect with me! My assignment this year will be a little different. I’ll be hanging out at ReThink Leadership for much of Wednesday and Thursday although I’ll be back with the Orange crew during General session gatherings. So, not only can you check out what I’m doing by checking out YMSidekick, but you can follow me along on Twitter and I’ll be posting on Orange Leaders social media accounts as well!
However, if you want to meet up in person and chit chat about life or ministry, I would LOVE that as well. So DM on Twitter or track me down in an off time. Or just stop me…I’ll be wearing a different Superhero t-shirt all week long (Batman, Superman, Flash & Robin). I love coming to Orange and meeting new people so please stop me and say hey.
So, it’s going to be a big week…a great week and I hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am.
What are you looking forward to the Orange Conference or ReThink Leadership this year? Share your ideas below or on social media using #ymsidekick and join the conversation.
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