Creating a Staff Culture Notes

Pete Wilson is the founding and senior pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tennessee. He spoke at on of the Affinity Groups at ReThink Leadership about what it means to create a great staff culture in your Church. Here are the notes from that session.     If you want me to defend something, you have to first define it. 3 Reasons why defining culture is important – they should be different than Church Values

  1. If you don’t define it, it’s going to get hijacked
  2. It leads to healthier hires in your organization (Character, Contempency, Chemistry and even Culture)
  3. You can create a value to strengthen a weakness (all of your leadership dysfunction is going to seep down)
3 things to keep in mind when creating Staff Values
  1. They need to be sticky.
  2. Icons help
  3. Make them visible in every staff environment
What do you think about creating a positive staff culture in your church or ministry?  Share your thoughts below or on social media using #rl16 and #ymsidekick. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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