What Minister Can Learn From the Latest Taylor Swift Breakup

Taylor SwiftIn case you missed it, it appears that Taylor Swift and her boyfriend of 6 years, Joe Alwyn, have broken up. At the time of the publication, it has not been officially confirmed. However, it was trending on Twitter and Entertainment Tonight was sighted as the source of this information. Since this time “Swifties”, the term used for her loyal fans, have been looking for clues from Taylor Swift. They are examining social media posts and her concerts for clues. Tweens and teens will continue to speculate. While this may sound like no big deal for you, it is a big deal for millions of teenage girls.

So how does it this apply to ministry? What can ministers learn from this alleged breakup?

Know What Is Important to the Younger Generation (Taylor Swift and more)

As a minister to these younger generations, it’s important to take time to know what’s important to them. While these things may seem childish to you, it’s important to them. Take time to be a student of these younger generations and get to know them. The more you can get to know them, the more likely you are going to be able to earn the right to speak the TRUTH of Christ into their lives. And that is what ministry is all about.

Understanding what the younger generations care about is vital to being able to minister to them. Click To Tweet

Remember What Was Important to You 

You were a kid once and while certain things tweens and teens stress about and care about seem silly to you now, there was a time when you stressed and cared about things that you would roll your eyes about now. And, even now, some of the things you once cared about before you came to know Christ you don’t care about anymore. Just because you have changed and don’t care about those things anymore, it doesn’t mean that it is less important for others. Don’t judge others for what they think or do apart from Christ. You were once like that. Be understanding and empathetic so that you can help meet people where they are at in order form them to see Christ.

Be Christ in the Culture

Jesus calls us to go and be missionaries to all the world. Jesus went to celebrations and countless other gatherings. He didn’t remove himself from what was going on around Him. He ministered to the culture as He was in the culture. Now, he didn’t sin, but he didn’t remove himself from what was going on around Him. He shared the love of God to those around Him wherever He was. That is what we are called to do.

We are called to go into the world and be the light and hope of Christ IN the culture. That means we are to go and reach the unchurched where they are. We are not calling them to us, we are to go to them and minister to them. That means to go into a world of Swifties and encourage them and offer them the hope of Christ. We can do this as Acts 1:8 describes. Jesus calls us to minister to those closest around us (our Jerusalem), then a little further out (our Judea and Samaria) and then to the ends of the earth. Go into the world and be Christ in the culture. Be light to the world and let everyone from Swifties to those politically and religiously different from you to those ……………..

Christ calls us to go into the world. And, when we go into the world, we are called to be light and Christ in the culture. Click To Tweet


It has been said that Christianity is one generation away from extinction. And, it is also important to know that we live in a world that is increasingly post-Christian. We must go into the world, being empathetic and understanding to their stresses and concerns. That means understanding and caring for them as they process events like what Taylor Swift goes through. The more we can do this, the more likely they will be open to hear the Truth of Christ and be changed because of it.

What will you start incorporating today? What else can you learn from Taylor Swift’s alleged breakup? Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan that you can start implementing today so that you can reach more people and the younger generations for Christ. Share them below or on social media. 

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