Take a Risk. Take a Chance

This past week was the first ever Summer Ministry Vlog Week. What is that? Well #SMVWeek16 was something I came up with a few months ago. It was where I asked a few ministry friends and bloggers to join forces of sorts and instead of just writing our blog post to encourage others, we would use videos and create VLOGs as a way to encourage. You can check a few of them out below:

It was a great week to try something new and I hope we will do it again next year. However, the Summer Ministry Vlog Week wouldn’t have ever happened if I didn’t take a chance and invite some of my friends to join me in this “new” thing. Did it turn out exactly as I had planned? No but it was a start to hopefully something bigger. I am glad I took the risk and did this. Well, as a new season of ministry is upon us, now is the PERFECT time to take a risk and try something new…to take a chance and do something you haven’t done before. Don’t worry about failing. Just try it out and see where it leads. [ctt template=”3″ link=”SCad_” via=”no” ]”You can’t get anywhere in life without taking risks.” Esme Bianco[/ctt] Last year we took a chance in our student ministry and tried to eliminate most Sunday night activities and focus primarily on Home Groups. Although we had some successes with it, it also didn’t work out exactly as we had planned as our group became more divided. So we learned from it and made adjustments this year to help correct it. We are taking a risk with some things we are doing this year, but, to me, that is what makes ministry fun and challenging at the same time. If we are never taking chances and trying something new we will never know if it will work or not. It may fail, but maybe not. Even if it fails, hopefully there will be lessons learned where it, or something similar, can be better for the future. I’ve said this many times before, as times and culture changes, so should our ministry so that we can best reach people today. That doesn’t mean we sacrifice principles and core beliefs. But it means that we need to try new things. Take risks…take chances and see where God leads you. What risk can you take today? What chance can you take that can hope your ministry this year? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick in your post. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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