Two Qualities of Effective Leadership

“Band of Brothers” is an award-winning mini-series from the early 2000s. It highlights Easy Company from training to Normandy to the end of World War II. It is based on a true story of their experiences. In the series, there are a lot of examples of leadership greatness and a lot of examples of leadership failures amongst the company and different platoons. Of those examples, two qualities stood out of effective leadership.

Quality One: Make Decisions

Carwood Lipton said, “Dike wasn’t a bad leader because he made bad decisions. He was a bad leader because he made no decisions.”

Lieutenant Dike was in charge of Easy Company at one point and the common criticism about him was that he was indecisive and would never make a decision. This came into play during an advancement when Easy Company needed to advance on a town. He was held hostage by indecision which cost them lives and could have cost them the battle.

While this happened in a war setting, ministry leaders can be crippled by indecision as well. When you fail to make a decision or pass on one, it can cripple your ministry efforts. Similar to a Army Platoon or Company, ministry leaders have objectives and goals to complete. By passing on decisions longer than need be, you can slow momentum your ministry has or is having.

While ministry leaders will not always make the right decision, choosing to be indecisive and failing to make a decision can be harmful to your ministry and team. Prayerfully go before God, consult your team, and move forward with a decision and see what God does.

Effective leadership means that leaders have make decisions. He or she cannot be indecisive. See how and why. Click To Tweet

Quality Two: Be a Leader Even When You Aren’t the Leader

leadershipCarwood Lipton: Sir? These men aren’t really concerned about the stories. They’re just glad to have you as our CO. They’re happy to have a good leader again.”

Ronald Spiers: Well, from what I’ve heard, they’ve always had one. I’ve been told there’s always been one man they could count on. Led them into the Bois Jacques, held them together when they had the crap shelled out of them in the woods. Every day, he kept their spirits up, kept the men focused, gave ’em direction… all the things a good combat leader does. You don’t have any idea who I’m talking about, do you?….Hell, it was you, First Sergeant. Ever since Winters made Battalion, you’ve been the leader of Easy Company.”

Titles don’t make leaders, actions make leaders. Lipton wasn’t “in charge” but he was the leader the soldiers looked to. Too often we let a lack of a title limit our ability to make decision and be a leader. As we saw with Lipton, he was truly the leader the soldiers looked to. You can lead without any title and make an impact.

In ministry, it doesn’t matter what your title is. You can still lead those around you. Whether it is a small group or a team of volunteers, you can lead even if you aren’t the main “leader.” God has given everyone leadership qualities. Use the gifts He has given you and lead those He has entrusted you with.

People don't need titles to be a leader. You can be a leader others look to by the way you act. See how. Click To Tweet


Effective leadership is many things. As we see from “Band of Brothers”, two of those qualities involves making decisions and leading without a title. The reality is that everyone has leadership abilities. Take time to invest in them and let God make you into the leader you are called to be.

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How can you embrace effective leadership in your ministry? Share them below or on social media. 

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