the BLACKBOARD: Do Small Groups really work?

really work in your ministry?  My personal belief is that they do work and can be extremely effective at building relationships and helping others grow in Christ.  I have seen it happen.  But too often, I believe we put a lot more weight on small groups than what is realistic.  For instance, when discipleship in your youth program is not going great (or happening), we believe that we should just start small groups, discipleship will happen and life will be good.  That just doesn’t seem realistic to me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have always had small groups in my student ministry programs and I do believe they can be powerful and effective.  But, I’m curious to hear your thoughts.  Have you found that they really help students grow deeper in Christ and build a fellowship with each other that last? TAKE A MINUTE and share your thoughts and experiences with small groups for youth ministry.]]>

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