3 MUST-DOs when Leading a Mission Trip

love and serve the homeless. It was an amazing experience and a lot of great stuff happened. God did some really cool things. During the trip, our trip leader, Will Cravens from Endurance Leadership did 3 things that really stood out to me and encouraged me for the next time I lead a mission trip. Watch this short video what those 3 things are:    

  1. Make sure everyone is on the same page. In order for this to happen and for you all to be effective in what you are trying to do, you have to make sure you communicate regularly with each other as a whole team.
  2. Make sure you are flexible. Every mission trip needs to have a plan or agenda. But, in order for it to be successful you and your team need to be flexible. The reason being is because things change. If you are open to where God is leading the team you need to be flexible.
  3. Make sure every participant creates an after trip action plan. Trips are great but if there is no action plan for each participant to have once they get home to the “real world” then everyone misses out. To come up with one have a final meeting while you are there before you go home encouraging everyone to create an action plan to how this trip will affect them. What will they do differently now because of the trip? Take time to meet together to discuss.
This trip last week was amazing and very challenging. These 3 action items Will took in leading us were very important in making the trip a successful one for me. I pray that I can incorporate a lot of what I learned and experienced into my life moving forward. What about you? What are some “MUST DOs” you do when you lead a mission trip in order for them to be successful? Share below or on Twitter using #ymsidekick to comment. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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