Take a step forward with Video

short video. For instance, this is what we did at our church:     Truthfully, we “stole” the idea from another church in another state who probably “stole” the idea from somewhere else. But, it literally took us 1 hour to do from start to finished product.  Here is how:

  • Have the idea – plan it out
  • Film it (we did this in 2 takes)
  • Edit it with iMovie (make sure you also use a slide to promote your Church)
  • Share on social media (Facebook and YouTube are MUSTS)
  • Let the views roll in and your reach expand as you share and retweet it.
Images are great and very useful. But considering the popularity of YouTube and how Facebook said they are “all in” on videos, trying to step up your social media game by making a video can increase reach and engagement even more than an image. It may be too late for Daylight Savings time, but for the next big event coming soon and you can make a video instead of posting an image.


Start planning now. What video can you do for Thanksgiving or Christmas instead of posting just an image? For instance, here is a simple Christmas video I did a few years ago. What can you do?


How have you seen videos (whether they are short or longer) be more effective than just an image? Share below or on Twitter using #ymsidekick to comment. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]  ]]>

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