A Life Changing Second Chance

swore in Edward Martell to be a lawyer. This is an act that Judge Morrow has done numerous times before. So why is this particular swearing in noteworthy? second chanceWhat makes this swearing in special and touching is that when Edward first met Judge Morrow years before, he was a drug dealer with a long history of trouble with the law. Judge Morrow could have thrown the book at him and sent him behind bars for a number of years. But, he didn’t. He gave him a second chance. A chance he didn’t deserve. And, because of it, Edwards was able to turn his life around. So much so, Edward is now a lawyer. What a transformation! In many ways we have all been given second chances because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross. Romans 3:23 says we have all sinned and fall short of God’s Glory. Romans 6:23 follows that up by saying what we deserve/earn from that is death. Not just eternal death but a sort of death now, as we live on this earth, separated from God’s plan for our life. But the truth of God’s love is that He gave us a second chance with the sacrifice of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and redemption. In ministry and in life we encounter people who need a second chance. Sometimes it is a friend, an acquaintance, a fellow leader or someone who is in your ministry.  I’m not saying you should give a second chance to everyone you encounter just because. However, there are people we come into contact with that God puts it on our heart to give a second chance to. When you experience that nudge in your heart, don’t ignore it. God could have bigger plans in store for you and that person. So, take a minute and pray. Who do you know that needs a second chance to? Who is someone who has the potential but missing it in some way but could use some extra encouragement or hope? Life is all about second chances. Who can you give a second chance to today? How are you giving a second chance to others? How has it affected you or someone else? Share those you are remembering below or on social media using #ymsidekick.

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