A Ministry Happy Hour


  • poll a bunch of the young adults who come to your church (whether you know them well or not) and find out what they were looking for.  What would they come out to?  Many of the ones I talked to said they were looking for opportunities to connect with others just like them and they wanted a place where they could just hang out and relax.  BINGO!  For me, that looked like our Chillin’ & Grillin’.  But for you that may mean something else.  Find out what that might be for your specific group.
  • after you poll them, create and start promoting your event.  Whether it ends up being a small turn out or big one, promote it and encourage the young adults to come and work your tail off at establishing a community, relaxed feel to your time together.  It is 1 step at a time, but I believe when you start with community and build a group identity, it will lead to bigger and better things.
What do you think?  Post a comment so that we can all benefit from it.]]>

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