A NEW Fall Event for Parents You Don't Want to Miss

Orange does some amazing events. They have the Orange Conference, Orange Tour, some online trading and a variety of other offerings for students and leaders. While these are great in a lot of ways, there hasn’t been a parent specific event. That is changing this fall. It’s called Parent Cue Live! Parent Cue LiveParent Cue Live is being offered in every city the Orange Tour is at (find out where the Tour is coming here). In this event, a great group of leaders will spend 2 hours with parents specially. They will help all the parents that come help them become more connected to a faith community so they can be more intentional at home. Personally, I am very excited about this event for a few reasons:

  • It gets parents directly involved and connected. Parents have always been invited to Orange events, but this is the first time ever that Orange, to my knowledge, has had an event specifically designed for parents. With this focus and emphasis, it is sure to be a great event for them.
  • Parents get to hear from great speakers. Orange always breaks out amazing speakers for their events. And this event, especially since it is tied to the Orange Tour will be just the same. There will be awesome speakers who have real knowledge about how parents can be more intentional at home. They don’t just speak for data points but from their own experiences.
  • It can help connect more parents to your ministry. As a Student Minister I am always looking for ways to get parents more engaged and involved. I think this is every Children’s, Student and Family Minister’s dream. We need to get them more involved and inviting them to Parent Cue Live gives them and opportunity to experience something with you, as the leader, and learn more about how your ministry functions. It provides  Hopefully, after this event, they will be more interested in what you are doing in your ministry and become more involved.
Every year Orange Tour takes the best of the Orange Conference and takes it on the road to share with more ministers all across the country about how to do ministry better. With adding Parent Cue Live they are adding an extra element to your ministry by incorporating Parents into the event. This will provide you a great opportunity as a minister, not just to your students, but to the parents as well. It gives you a great opportunity to engage parents in your Church in a whole new element. If you can make it, I would strongly recommend you try it this year. Plus, for just $19 per ticket ($15 with 20 or more), it’s well worth the price of admission. Orange always does a great job and this event will surely be an amazing experience. You can sign up today here. What do you think? How do you think you could use this for your ministry? Do you have parents that would benefit from this? Share your thoughts and experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick when you share. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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