A NEW Resource for Ministers

Enter Terrace Crawford. He is a friend of mine, fellow Orange Blogger as well as a Student Ministry veteran with a ton of experience…with over 20 years. He just launched Ministry Downloads, a new resource site for student ministers. TheseĀ resources are beta-tested, ready-to-go, affordable, and totally downloadable. Here is a little more information about what Ministry Downloads is and how it works:

  • These resources are for Senior Pastors, Youth Leaders, Childrenā€™s Leaders and Small Group Leaders, among others.
  • Leaders can CONTRIBUTE. In fact, contributors earn profits through royalties earned on the sale of their products and can also earn income by signing up as a registered Affiliate of MinistryDownloads.com.
  • Anyone can submit their resources for review & publishing here. This is amazing, especially for student ministers because money doesn’t grow on trees and getting a little bit of extra money for work you are already doing is awesome!
So head on over to Ministry Downloads and check out what resources they have to offer but also what resources you have that you might be able to offer others. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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