New Life Christian Church in Centreville, VA. Part of that job description is to oversee the use of the nZone.
The nZone is our big 83,000 sq. foot facility that we are transforming from an old Budweiser Distribution Center into a Sports Facility that will be use to draw the community in so that we can draw them into coming to church on Sundays at New Life. As you can see, it has 2 wood basketball courts, 3 soccer fields, a cafe’ and a fitness center.
Now, I know building a Sportsplex is not ideal for every church or ministry, but we believe that it is a unique opportunity New Life has to serve the community and to draw lost people into a relationship with Christ. So what about you? What are you doing currently to draw lost people to Christ? What risks have you been taking lately for the Lord?
TAKE A MINUTE and think through some different, out of the box things you could do that would reach out to the community and non-believers. Again, it doesn’t have to be a big sportsplex, but if we do not risk something for the glory of the Lord, I believe we fail to see God work in extraordinary ways. Wouldn’t it be great to one day look back and say, “I’m so glad we took a risk for Christ in this way. Look at all He did because we believed He could do it!”.
If you have an idea, please feel free to share it below so we can all benefit.]]>