Michael Stelzner’s podcast.
In one of his recent podcasts, Michael suggested in his tip section that instead of uploading videos directly to YouTube and then sharing them to Facebook, to get more views of your Facebook page, load your videos directly to Facebook.
Why would someone do that? Because when you are on Facebook mobile, videos start automatically in your newsfeed and it might cause someone to watch your video rather than just skipping over it. It’s called auto-play which plays your video automatically when someone comes up to it on their newsfeed. However, if you had a video uploaded from YouTube you have to press the play button to get it go thus getting less exposure because people tend to not click it.
I tried this new trick out this past week and although the numbers of my YouTube views declined, I had greater overall views and more exposure to my “brand” (i.e. New Life Christian Church) because more people watched it on Facebook directly.
So, if you are looking for more exposure to your brand or ministry, try uploading your videos directly to Facebook this week and see how it goes.
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