Christmas Video Clips We Use

  Another one I like to use regularly is this one from “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”. It’s about the toys from the Land of Misfit Toys. It’s good for a message that focuses on feeling like a misfit, outcast or not accepted. We can all feel like misfits but the good news is that there is a King (God) who loves us and seeks after us.     I know many of you have surely used these 2 as well, but I also know there are more Christmas themed movie and television clips Student Ministers use for your talks.

Share Your Ideas

So, right now, TAKE A MINUTE and share some of your favorite Christmas video clips you use for talk illustrations.  It may be too late for us to use this year, but we can definitely hold on to them for next year. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]      ]]>

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