the Blink-182 Throwback Thursday

Wikipedia for the info). “Tom, Tom, this is a great music history lesson but really, what does this have to do with me and my ministry?” Here’s what…Bands are hard to form and stay around for a long time.  The days of U2, Pearl Jam, the Rolling Stones and Metallica are gone.  There needs to be chemistry, communication and unison to succeed. I’m not saying that they can’t fight or argue, but if they lack these things and their egos get too big, they will fail and disband.  And a lot of them fail. Ministry Leadership Teams are the same way.  Whether it is Family, Children or Student Ministry Teams, there needs to be chemistry, communication, consistency and unison.  If they lack them, there will be disfunction, tension, and instability.  Because of this there are very high chances leader turnover and inconsistency of leaders investing in students. And, ultimately the students and the Kingdom of Heaven will all suffer because of the problems within the Leadership Team.  And that is unacceptable. Blink-182 could have been one of the all-time great bands.  They had it, but they couldn’t stay together.  Sure, they are back together again, but their appeal is far less than it ever was back in the early 2000s.  We don’t need our Ministry Leadership Teams to be like this.  We need high impact and great unison amongst the team so that more people can come to know Christ. But how do you get that?  How do you keep moral, chemistry and unity high so that you can have the most impact?  I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on what you think Ministry Leadership Teams in your area of ministry need to possess to have the greatest impact over the longest amount of time?  ]]>

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