Book Review: Holy Parenting: Making the Common Sacred

“I do have to confess: every chapter in this book is me trying to live into something that is not fully developed…Each of these things I have shared is something I have tried, failed at, and tried again.  While I still haven’t mastered any of these things, I am firmly committed to figuring it out.” That is Benjamin Kerns writing towards the end of his book, “Holy Parenting: Making the Common Sacred”.  And that is why I LOVED this book.  Practically every chapter is written in a way where I could immediately identify with him.  As a father of 4 daughters  and a minister myself, I have felt what he has felt before.  I have agonized where he agonized.  I have been frustrated where he was frustrated.  In all the different parenting books I have read (not a huge list), I can say that Benjamin’s book is the 1st book that I couldn’t put down and needed to keep reading more and more because he seemed to get real, actual parenting (and the struggles that come about). He has 3 great sections, all focusing on different aspects of parenting: Accepting Your New Life, Raising Little Children is a Spiritual Discipline and Vital Rhythms for Spiritual Growth.  When I read through each of theses sections and the chapters that followed, it just seemed like these situations were the exact same as mine, especially since we are both in ministry. For years I guilted myself thinking that I was the only one encountering this or that and that I must be a bad parent because I wasn’t able to do what I wanted to do.  But not only does Ben communicate in a way that makes you identify with him and his situation, he provides great insight on ways that you can counter that…not as an expert, but as one who is really trying to be the best father and husband he can be. So if you are looking for a “get real” type of book in which you can actually relate to the author and his experiences, you need to pick this up at the Amazon Store.  Especially if you in a ministry position and have a family, you need to grab this book. I highly recommend this book! It is available in Paperback and Kindle.]]>

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