and Twitter: @cindyfiala). Here are the notes from her session.
Deuteronomy 7:9 – ““Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,”
What you do matters
Forced perspective – manipulates human visual perspective – it creates an illusion of what is real! True and reliable.
With a few steps you can create a stratey
1. Blameless Autopsy – Dig into every ministry. By creating clarity and common vision you eliminate the visio n vacuum of forced perspective in ministry. Clarity and unity trumps everything. Silos create forced perspective
What are we looking for?
Do we have a common end in mind from birth to college? Something you all are striving for
Do you have a plan on how we are going to get them on this pathway to the goal?
Does your family ministry strategy align with the our Church strategy and mission?
Do we have silos?
Have you defined what your values are? Values will create your culture
How well are you executing your strategy
2. 5 Essentials
- Align leaders – does your family ministry team meet regularly? Share stories, where you are stuck, working on the business
- Engage parents. How are parents being disciples and empowered to be the spiritual leads?
- Elevate community. Small groups. Kids end up not wanting to miss church because of the consistent leaders in their lives.
- Refine the message. Are we creating core truths in age appropriate ways? You are setting them up for the next phase. Are we helping them interprets the Word of God in a way that connects it to their heart
- Influence service. Provide ways for them to connect to the church through service. Give them something significant to do now.
- Have the goal and everyone in your church needs to know it so they can get behind it.
- It allows us to have quick yeses and gracious no’s
- It’s the hedgehog concept (Good to Great)
- Verbally every time you meet
- Through actions and decisions
- Printed material
- Social media
- Automated messaging in your environments