The NFL Draft happened over the weekend. It started with the 1st Round on Thursday and then it concluded on Sunday with the final round. Whether they were drafted very first, like Bryce Young or very last, Individual lives changed forever this past weekend. Teams believed in them enough to draft them. And, teams believed in them that they were a missing piece to help
them win a Super Bowl int he years ahead.
In the same way, ministry teams are much like sports teams. They have a mission to accomplish that needs to be accomplished with a committed group of people. The Ministry Lead (The GM and Head Coach) is the person with the vision and strategic plan and reports to the Lead Minister or Executive Pastor (Team Owner). The Volunteers (the Players) help to execute the plan of attack. And, just like any other sports team, you look to build your team around free agency and the draft.
So how can you build your ministry team?
Questions to Ask
To start building your ministry team, there are a few simple questions to get you started. Questions like:
- How is your ministry team currently?
- Are you building for the future?
- Do you have a plan to build your ministry team?
- What are your needs?
- Where are you weak and strong?
- How are you going to minister more effective this coming year?
These are some of the questions ministry leads should be asking as they evaluate the effectiveness of the team.
Who Are You Drafting?
Once you answer the above questions, you can start looking at who you are drafting.
While the NFL and other sports leagues have drafts where they formally bring in new and young talent who can help their team, ministry works a little different. But, while you may not need to do a draft for your ministry, you should always be looking for and asking people around you to consider serving alongside you. There are people around you who are not serving anywhere who would probably love to serve with you, but have never been asked to consider it. Or, maybe they would be amazing at it but never thought they were good enough to serve. That is why you should always be looking for people and asking them. By you asking them to consider it, you are saying, “I believe in you and I think you can be a great addition to this team.”
Another idea is that you could do a brainstorming session with your current volunteers to see who else you all can recruit and bring in for the coming year. Encourage each of your leaders to bring in a list of names, then, like a “War Room” in an NFL team’s office, you talk about, pray about and discuss the potential of that person serving with you. The more research and processing you can do with your current team on who can and should be a leader in the upcoming year, the more likely you will be able to bring on the right people to help you best minister for your Church or ministry.
“The Draft” happens every year in every sport league. While you may not do a draft for your ministry team, you are always building for the future. Make sure you take time throughout the year to be looking for new leaders who can serve and help best minister in your specific area. There are people out there who will do great. Sometimes they just need to be asked.
What will you start incorporating today? What else can you do to build your ministry team for the future? Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan that you can start implementing today so that you can reach more people and the younger generations for Christ. Share them below or on social media.
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