Celebrate What God is Doing

“Once you start celebrating the little victories in life, you will realize just how infinite they truly are. ” —Alicia Emamdee

“give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Back in 2005, Staples created the “Easy Button” commercial. The commercial ended with the question, “wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy button in life? Now there is one for your business.” It was a brilliant marketing campaign because people could quickly identify with this.

The reality is life is hard. We wish we had an easy button. While we may not have an easy button to get through all of life’s interesting situations, we can choose to take on a different perspective to those hard times. It’s to CELEBRATE! Celebrate what God is doing, even in the bad situations. After all, Paul talks about it in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 when he says, “give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 

If anyone knows what hard times are like, it’s Paul. He was put in prison many times, beaten, and threatened too many times to count. Yet, he had the perspective of giving thanks. And that is an encouragement for us. Let’s not forget to celebrate the little wins, the big wins and the tough situations. When we choose to have the perspective to celebrating all things, we don’t lose sight of what God is doing.

So, who can you celebrate with?

Who You Can Celebrate With 

Celebrate with leaders. As a ministry leader, you have a team of people that are supporting the mission and you. Make sure you celebrate with them. After all, they need to know what winning looks like and that you appreciate all they are doing to help further the kingdom and the mission. The more you celebrate, the more they celebrate, and the more they feel like the team is accomplishing something. If they feel like the time and effort they are putting in is not producing anything worthy of celebration, they are more likely to stop serving and look to be part of something different.

Celebrate with your family. Your family are your biggest fans. Sure, it can be tough for them as you are off and about doing different things in ministry, but they want to cheer you on, too. They want to be excited about what is happening in ministry celebrateand the wins that are happening, too. Take time to celebrate with them, letting them know when big things happen. The more you can celebrate wins in your family, the more your children will see what God is doing and it increases the chances that they will want to be part of a ministry when they get older.

In addition to celebrating ministry stuff, make sure you celebrate family wins, too. When your spouse or one of your children does something and achieves something great, celebrate it. Life is more than ministry and your family will outlast your ministry. Make sure you family gets in on the celebrations and cheers each other on when one of them does something worth celebrating.

Celebrate with Staff. The staff at your Church are after a singular mission. In some way, shape or form they are seeking to help people come to know Jesus as their Lord and savior. While your mission is similar, what is going on behind the scenes to accomplish that mission is often not talked about as much, especially if you have a bigger staff at your Church. Take time to share with the other staff members what good stuff is happening so they can cheer on the mission. But, when you do that, it also gives them opportunities to share the good that is happening in their ministry, as well. Then, your whole Staff leaves motivated to keep pushing harder for Christ.

Celebrate with leaders, staffers and your family all that God is doing. The more you celebrate, the greater the encouragement and motivation to keep pressing on with the mission of Christ. Click To Tweet


Both life and ministry are hard. That is why it is so important to celebrate the victories, both small and big. The more you can create an environment of celebrating, the more likely you will be encouraged by what God is doing at home and in ministry. Choose to embrace celebrating with those around you and see how that impacts you, your relationship with God, your family and your ministry..

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. How can you embrace effective leadership in your ministry? Share them below or on social media. 

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