True or False – Halloween is a great ministry opportunity to minister to families in your area? I believe it to be true because so many families participate in Trick or Treating. Unlike other holidays or special days, Halloween doesn’t apply to one specific religion or culture. Most everyone in your neighborhood does some sort of trick or treating whether it is going to lots of homes or just a few. That is why I think it is a great opportunity to minister to people in your area.
Over the years I have heard of many different things churches or ministries do to reach out over Halloween. Some do a Trunk or Treat. Some do a Fall Festival night with games, tons of other fun and use it as an outreach to share the gospel with the neighborhood.
So the Children’s Ministry Question of the Month is does your Church or Ministry do anything to minister to families and children during Halloween? If so, what do you do?
Take a Minute and post a comment so we can all learn and benefit from your experience. It’d be great to get a bunch of great fresh ideas out there being discussed and shared.]]>
I think Halloween is a great opportunity to encourage families to connect with their community. Keep the porch light on — it's one of the few times of the year when community happens in your own backyard.
That's definitely true. It is a great community time for our neighborhood and we socialize a ton with so many of them during that time.
We do a fall fest, but not as a Halloween Alternative. If we try to schedule it "over" Halloween, it's a pretty bad turn-out. We usually schedule it after, but whenever it fits in the church schedule. I try to do something a little different — last year we had a Princess and Warrior party and this year it's Group's Great Tomb Raid. Speaking of which, I better get planning!
Haha, plan away! Try to schedule "over" Halloween is definitely mixed results and a high risk move. But, I have seen it work before. I have also seen an afternoon event done before trick or treating begins. That way it gives kids and parents a constructive, positive thing to do before the night time activities. Doing a fall fest or activity before trick or treating could be a great way to draw in neighbors or friends who don't go to your church.