Chowtime – 1/18

Stat to Chew on… 45% of Americans usually make New Years Resolutions…only 8% actually achieve their goal (Thanks Quote to Digest“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Student Ministry Blogs to bite into

  • Ben Read shares about small group leaders are so important to youth ministry.
  • Joshua Griffin shares 3 house rules that we should all remember when students share.
  • I’ve posted about the dangers before, but Colton Harker reminds us of 1 of 5 questionsto ask before post on Social Media
  • Andy Blanks shows us how a great viewpoint about how we can be ministering to others.
Are there other stats, quotes or blogs that you chewed on this week?  Or did you go to CPC ’14 this week and learn some great Family Ministry stuff?  If so, share them so we can learn and benefit from each other.  ]]>

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