It’s that time of year again…every 4 years…the Winter Olympics have started and events are on continuously for the next three week. So, root on for your country, grab some chow and chew on some of these things that you may have missed from last week:
Stat to Chew on…92% of female high school athletes are less likely to be involved in drugs, 80% are less likely to get involved in drugs and they are 3 times more likely to graduate high school than those who don’t (thanks statistics brain).
Quote to Digest…”You can have anything you want – if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.” – Abraham Lincoln
Student Ministry Blogs to bite into…
- Josh Griffin shares his thoughts on Jay Leno and ending well
- MarkO wonders why so many Youth Pastors are abused
- Michael Bayne gives us 6 compelling reasons to have a teaching team in your ministry
- Benjamin Kerns discusses how manners should be a vital part of student ministry curriculum