Why Churches need to be on Twitter

  If you are going to do social media in your Church, Facebook is a no-brainer, MUST.  But, too often, Twitter isn’t apart of the conversation.  Maybe it’s because people don’t understand it or don’t think others are on Twitter. But there is 1 invaluable thing that Twitter can do that Facebook can’t.  And that is to have more organic conversations with people you don’t know.  There is a much greater chance for your content to be discovered organically than on Facebook as Facebook is limited to Page reach. Unless you pay for an ad, your reach on Facebook can only go so far. But on Twitter, especially if you hashtag it right, you have increased reach possibility because anyone can see it. There is no limitation to who can find and discover your content. And when you can be having these types of conversations online it can increase the opportunity you have to helping them discover God which is key in ministry and the growth of your Church. Is your Church on Twitter?  Why or Why not?  If you are using it, how are you utilizing it?  Share below or on social media using the hashtag #ymsidekick to join the conversation. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]   ]]>

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