Doing College Ministry as a Student Minister

We usually start hanging out around the food to start our time. We usually start hanging out around the food to start our time.[/caption] Well, this past year our student ministry program noticed we had a larger majority of students graduate high school and stay local to either work or attend community college. Considering our Young Adults ministry at New Life is filled with a bunch of older young adults, our High School Director and I decided to start a college aged group. Our hope was two-fold:

  1. We wanted to help the students and their friends stay connected to the Church so they wouldn’t fall through the cracks and leave the Church.
  2. We also felt that it was a good way to develop new leaders.
We started in September and so far this fall has gone over great! We meet every other Wednesday and have dinner, socialize and look at the bible. We keep it simple, but it has been a really great way for our students to stay connected. We’ve been very pleased with the turnout of between 8-12 each time we meet. Is college ministry part of your student ministry job description? If so, what do you do? If not, do you assist at all in the ministry? How so? [mc4wp_form id="8855"]]]>

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