Combing Through The Wreckage

If you grew up in the 80s, music was highlight influenced by people and bands like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bon Jovi and Prince. As popular as that was, the popular music took a turn in the early 90s by the grunge scene. Bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam dominated the early 90s music scene. That was when the world got introduced to Eddie Vedder, lead singer of Pearl Jam.

Eddie Vedder wrote the songs that defined a generation. He was the voice of the teenage Gen X angst that so many people were looking to verbalize, but didn’t know how. Eddie spoke for them and Pearl Jam’s “Ten” album became the album everyone knew and a lot of teens could identify with.

Recently, Pearl Jam released their latest album, “Dark Matter.” It’s a really good album. However, there is one song that stands out as another very reflective song, especially for a generation of older adults. It is called “Wreckage.” While every song means something different to every person, this definitely feels like a song that any aging Gen Xer or other adult can identify with. And, it is one that can also help any minister understand a bit of a perspective of someone who is looking back on their life, reflecting on the good and the bad. Here are some of the lyrics that stand out.

Wreckage Lyrics that Matter to Ministers

lyrics“Visited by thoughts on another darkened week
How even every winner hits a losing streak
The mistakes we all make and perfectly repeat
Chains are made by DNA refusing, refusing to release”

Whether you are a grandparent, older parent or younger parent you have experienced a lot of life over the years. Surely, they have had a win streak and a losing streak, some mistakes are even the ones that we repeat, unfortunately. And, the chains we carry are made by use refusing to release. Refusing to release control of our life.

These are vulnerable lyrics that any Gen Xer, Millennial, or even a Baby Boomer can completely identify with. We’ve all had winning streaks and losing streaks. And we all have repeated mistakes before, in large part because we refuse to release control over our life. As ministers, this is a great opportunity to help people release control of their life, the good and the bad of it, all over to God. No matter where you are in life, the reason people don’t fully experience God’s goodness and guidance is because they refuse to give over control.

“Oh, visited by thoughts and not just in the night
That I no longer give a f%$@ who is wrong and who’s right
This game of winner takes all, and all means nothing left
Spoils go the victor, and the other left for dead”

The older people get the less the need to win at everything is becomes. It begins to mean nothing at all as we reflect on our life. What does matter? How can Ministers use this? Ministers can show people, no matter their age, what matters most is accepting the love of God and sharing that love to others. It’s not about winning for yourself, but winning for the kingdom of God.

As we get older, people are combing through the wreckage of their life. Ministers should be prepared to help walk people through their reflections. See why. Click To Tweet


Music impacts people. You can see that today in how girls in this generation are impacted by Taylor Swift and her music. In the same way, music has been impacting people for centuries. The lyrics that artist like Eddie Vedder share in songs are great songs that can help people to reflect on their life. As the song “Wreckage” says, people are “combing through the wreckage” of their life. As people are doing that, ministers need to be prepared to have conversations that will help them process and determine how they navigate the life they made and who they can become through Christ today. After all, our “wreckage” can easily be a story that God uses to transform the lives around us.

Before you finish reading this post, write down a quick action plan. What else stands out to you? Share them below or on social media. 

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