the Day-Timer Throwback Thursday

images-12Remember this?  The Day-Timer? When I came on Staff for my very first Student Ministry position (Jr. High Intern), one of my first tasks was to get a Day-Timer.  As goofy and nerdy as it sounds, I was really pumped to get it.  In one simple place, I could keep my schedule, notes, contacts and other important information.  I was going to be ORGANIZED! But, with time and the development of technology, the Day-Timer, while still around is not used nearly as much as in its hayday. What is the Day-Timer replaced with today?  Any smartphone or tablet.  No more refills, no more white out to undo a changed appointment or contact number and no more lugging around a book with all your info on it.  The smartphone and table have made it easy for us to do all the things that Day-Timer could do and so much more. So what do you think about the loss of a legendary ministry item?  Share your stories about Day-Timers below.]]>

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