"Developing Other Leaders" Notes

Orange Conference 2020. Doug Fields led this breakout.   We have to care and develop this next generation of leaders. Churches aren’t good at this. We aren’t very good at it is because many church leasers are busy, scared and insecure Self-preservation leaders (busy, scared and insecure). Rarely is leadership development intentional. Leaders have to decide if they want to leave a legacy of one or legacy of many How do you leave a legacy of many and develop other leaders: Give up your pride. Deflect the credit where the credit is due. Who is on stage? Is it you or are you putting the spotlight on others? Be a spotlight leader. Put others in the spotlight for their good and the good of the kingdom. Insecure leaders don’t bring out the best in others. Give up your perfectionism  Give them your genuine belief. It’s genuine encouragement. People are dying for encouragement. They need encouragement more than they need training. Give them real responsibilities. Delegate responsibility…don’t dump tasks. Integrate them into what you are doing. Is there something that you are currently doing that you can pass on to someone else? A responsibility is significant when both the rewards and the risk are real. Give them meaningful relationships. Give them accountability. Accountability is active. Don’t just hold them accountable when they mess up. Whole them accountable during the whole time. Give them freedom. Don’t always correct the small stuff. Let them lead that may be totally different from you. Not everyone leads like you! GIVE.   What stands out to you from this session about how you can develop other leaders? Share below or on social media using #ymsidekick and #OC20 when you share.

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