Digital Bootcamp is off and running for ministers of all backgrounds to learn digital tools to help their ministries and expand their reach so that more people could hear about Christ. Here are some of the highlights from the very first month.
Week 1: Twitter (Jeanette Yates)
Blog: 7 Ways Churches Can Use Twitter’s 280 Characters (Don’t Tweet Sermons) Video Teaching: How your Church can use Twitter [video width="640" height="360" mp4=""][/video]Weeks 2 & 3: Using Everyday Content (Adam McLaughlin)
Blog (2 blogs from 2 weeks): Video Teaching: New Ways to use Everyday Content [video width="224" height="400" mp4=""][/video]Week 4: Live Stream (Dave Curlee)
Blog: How To Re-purpose Your Church’s Live Stream for Maximum Impact Video Teaching: 4 Modes of Live Streaming [video width="640" height="360" mp4=""][/video]Conclusion
All three topics has significant importance in your ministry. Twitter can help reach a whole new audience in your area that may not use Facebook or other social networks. Also, as Adam discussed, you can find content everywhere to inspire volunteers and share stories about what his happening. Finally, live stream is very important these days. Every social network is adapting a “live” component to their platforms and it provides Churches and ministries a great reach possibility. Above were some of the highlights of the month. However, this is just a tip of the iceberg. There was a ton of great content from the entire month that is still on Digital Bootcamp. Scan through it all and check it out to see what sticks out to you. After you scan the Group, share what topic, blog or video stood out to you from the topics we covered in November. Share your thoughts below or social media using #ymsidekick when you post. [mc4wp_form id="8855"]