Facebook Live has been around for a few months now. It isn’t anything new. In fact, I’ve blogged about it a few different times (here, here and here). So again, it’s not something that is new.
However, how Churches and ministries use it IS still developing. So, Tom brought back Stan Rodda, Linton Hall Campus Pastor at New Life Christian Church in Northern VA to talk about what how he is using Facebook Live for his ministry.
So, in today’s episode, Tom and Stan talk about:
- What he is doing with Facebook Live
- Where should you stream from? Personal accounts or Church accounts?
- What are some other lessons learned he has gleaned from using it
If you want to connect with Stan you can read his blog
here or you can find him on
Twitter (
twitter.com/stanrodda). He is very active on social media so definitely hit him up if you have a question.
What do you think? How have you been using Facebook Live for your church? If so, how? Share your experiences below or on social media using #ymsidekick so we can all learn from each other.
To email Tom some ideas on future episodes email him
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