Diversify Your Easter Follow-Up

Easter is an amazing day of celebration and rejoicing of the risen Christ and the power of that moment. And while Churches do a variety of events and make Easter Sunday a joyous celebration, there is one action that you take can make or break Easter at your Church, What is that? It is follow-up. As mentioned in the Countdown to Easter Checklist, follow up might be the most important thing you do all Easter season because it allows you to connect with those who came to your Church for maybe the very first time.

But how can you follow-up effectively from Easter? What can you do? There are at least 4 different ways you can follow-up effectively from Easter. In this video, audio or bullet points below, I will share 2 specific ways your Church can use Twitter Communities to reach people for Christ.



Here are 4 Easter follow-up ideas that will help you effectively reach more people by diversifying your methods.

Text Follow-Up. Statistics prove that when people receive texts over 90% of them will open it and read it. Text messaging is a great follow up opportunity.

Email Follow-Up. While text messaging is a powerful way to follow up, email is still very effective and can be a great way for people to connect with what is next at your Church. People use email still and could open your email assuming you have an eye catching subject line.

Social Media Follow-Up. Someone may not have filled out a connection card, but they may know about your social media accounts. Have some next steps the first few days after so that people can check out what is ahead and hopefully get connected with what is next. The could be events, Bible studies or other groups.

In Person Follow-Up. This is not you surprising them at their homes. That would a little much for the first time. However, a phone call would be great. Even if they do not answer the phone, leave a voice mail message thanking them from coming and sharing what is ahead and some options for them to connect.

Having an effective digital and in person follow-up strategy to any Church event is vital to connecting people to Jesus and helping them grow in their faith. Click To Tweet

The great news about these follow-up tips is that you can implement these after any Church service or event. The bottom line in any of these options is to make them unique and personable. If they feel sterile and like something from a template, they will fall on deaf ears. People will not respond. However, it your follow-up is authentic and engaging, they will most likely connect with people who are looking for hope and encouragement this Easter season.


  • What is your plan for Easter follow-up? What else would you add? Share your ideas below or on social media.
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