With the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament set, it brings up the annual question – do you do a bracket challenge with your students? If so, do you give away a prize for the winner.
I do and often give away a small prize to the winner. The reason why I do a Bracket Challenge is to create a community, bonding event that everyone can participate in and talk about. On a lesser note, it is also a great way to reach out to others who do not go to Church and maybe be a way to draw them in. One year, when George Mason (a local team for us in Northern VA) made it to the Final Four, I used that as an opportunity to do a mini-outreach event and had people come over to my house to watch the Final Four together. It was a great time for both girls and guys as they got to root on Mason but they also got to banter back and forth about their brackets.
The bigger question for me is not do we do a Group Bracket Challenge. Rather, it is how do I get more girls involved in the challenge? Some girls naturally will do one, but most of the girls in my group would not touch this even if I gave away an iPod. They have no idea what to do and how to do it. So how do you make this attractive enough for girls to want to participate in?
Take the poll below and then offer any suggestions you might have to include more girls. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Well first off, I wouldn't give out money as a prize. I try to find a prize that both a girl and guy would like, I.E. Ipod accessories, cds, t-shirts, random home made stuff. The Tournament is hit and miss though, its not like the super bowl, where it is a must come event. You've really got to advertise it and make a party out of it. Unfortunately it is not going to be on early enough for us to make the most out of it. I do an online bracket amongst my youth and usually get more moms and dads than youth… but really who are we ministering to anyway?
Great comment John. I think the only reason why my mini-outreach event was well attended was becase of GMU. Has it been Kentucky vs Kansas, I doubt our turnout would have been so much.
Tom… thought you might enjoy this article…
Deeper Lessons of March Madness http://www.relevantmagazine.com/life/current-even…
…Hope all is going well!
Thanks Andy – good piece. By the way, anytime you want to meet up for Sushi again, I'm game! Send me an email if you have time.