Don’t Be Afraid to Take Chances

The month of October can be a terrifying month. There are a ton of scary movies and tv shows that are shown and people tend to dress up in spooky costumes as Halloween ends the month. While October can cause a lot of fear in people’s lives, it does not have to cause you to be afraid in your ministry. In particular, it doesn’t have cause to NOT to take chances in your ministry.

In Deuteronomy 31:6 God says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Because we know that God goes WITH you and will NEVER leave you, what can you do in your Church or ministry to take chances this year?

If you are having trouble thinking of ideas, here are three ways you can take chances this year.

Keep Reaching People Digitally.

People are comfortable on their digital devices now. Whereas they may not have been at the beginning of the pandemic, we are no longer at the outset of the pandemic. People know how to use Zoom, they are comfortable watching a live stream and chatting with Chat hosts and listening to podcasts for Bible encouragement now. It’s more a part of their daily life now. Keep offering digital options for people to connect with others and grow spiritually. For example, you can do text groups, online Bible studies, zoom groups, game nights (especially for kids and teens). The more these types of options are available, the more they are going to be able to keep people connected.

MetaverseExplore the Metaverse.

It has been over a year since Facebook changed their name to Meta and invested a lot of money into forming the Metaverse. As of their last quarterly report, they still remain committed to developing the metaverse. They are releasing new headsets and other companies like Apple and Google are working on headsets to be released at the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023. While the Metaverse may be years away from fully being developed, people are still on the platform and in it daily.

Take a chance by buying a VR headset. It could be a used headset or a new one, it doesn’t matter. The most important point is to start exploring and seeing what the Metaverse is all about. You don’t have to start doing ministry there yet. Get in and interact with others. See what they are doing and start building friendships and having conversations. The more you can understand what the Metaverse is all about, the more you will know what to do when it is time to do ministry.

Look for new opportunities and empower people.

When the pandemic hit, it opened up more opportunities for people to serve. The Church created more service opportunities and empowered people to minister with others in different ways. They were taking food to those in need, going grocery shopping and house maintenance, serving in a new online capacity and looking to start discipleship conversations. Just because things seem more “normal” now (aka back to pre-pandemic times), doesn’t mean that you can’t empower people to try new things and minister in different ways. Look for the opportunities that are in your community. Look to see where people are, what they are doing and minister to them.

Do not be afraid. Take chances in your ministry by continuing to offer digital connections, explore the Metaverse and empower others to serve. See how. Click To Tweet


Take chances! Now is not the time to be afraid to push your ministry to the next level. There are more and more people who are not involved in Church and who do not have a personal relationship with Christ. Be strong and courageous in God’s power and crush any fear you have as you minister to your community. He is walking before you and with you. Trust Him and see where He leads you.

What do you think? What can you do in your ministry to take chances? Share your ideas below or on social media.

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Interested in being a Digital Missionary or want to learn digital tools to expand your reach in ministry this year, join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group!

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