2 Ways to Eliminate Digital Confusion In Your Church

video, or on this podcast, or in the section below, you see 2 different ways you can eliminate digital confusion and duplication in your Church.     When COVID hit, many ministers immediately became Digital Ministers. They had to be because Churches were all online. But now that Churches and ministries are working more and more in person, what happens with the digital roles you were doing? Who takes them over and how do you work more unified within your Church to keep your digital presence going? That is why working on clear job descriptions and having a meeting with all the major players in your Church or ministry sit down in a meeting every so often would be very helpful. Emails are great for many things, but they can also drag out what could be a simple hour long conversation where you can work together rather than exchanging email. It is also hard to judge tone and it is easy to miscommunicate over email. So, if your Church is experiencing digital confusion right now, set up a meeting, work on clear job descriptions and start working out the details so you can move into this next season of ministry effectively. ACTION STEPS: 

  • How are you eliminating digital confusion in your Church?  Share what you do below or on social media using the hashtag #digitalin5 to share.
  • Join the Digital Bootcamp Facebook Group to learn how to be more effective using digital tools for your ministry join the group. This is for ALL Ministers, not just Church Communicators or Social Media Managers.
  • SUBSCRIBE: New episodes come out every other Wednesday. Subscribe on  iTunes, on Spotify, or on YouTube to make sure you get these each and every week!  And make sure you rate the show, especially if you like it.
  • Sign up for the Sidekick Scoop to get content from all over the ministry world (especially online and student ministry topics).

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